
位於埔里鎮中台山的中心點,四周山巒如花瓣環繞;住持惟覺老和尚年少時接觸佛法,30歲剃度出家,德行高深,吸引皈依弟子及供養居士前來求教禪法,因此名氣隨之高潮。禪寺主建物預定在西元2000年完工,由建築名師李祖原設計;中台禪寺 的佛教歷史文物館擁有豐富的佛教收藏品,包含距今1500年前北周的石雕釋迦如來、此外,四處移植而來的老樹也是中台禪寺 的特殊景觀,這些原本都是因開路築屋,有著砍代命運,因緣際會到中台禪時得以延續生命,故每顆樹的背後都有段佛緣佳話。

中台禪寺 位於南投縣的埔里,新建工程自西元1990年開始規劃,歷時十年,西元2001年宣告竣工,是結合中西建築元素,由著名建築師李祖原先生所設計。成為眾多佛教信眾的信仰中心,慕名而來的遊客和信眾絡繹不絕。

中台禪寺 主體建築以石材為主,象徵修行的堅固和永恆不變。由側面看主體建築,彷彿是一位在青山中禪坐的行者,正面外觀則像蓄勢待發的噴射機,象徵禪宗「頓悟自心,直了成佛」的無上心法,設計兼具時代開創新意與綿長的禪宗古意。

中台禪寺 的開山方丈為上惟下覺老和尚,是四川省營山縣人,三十歲時剃披出家、受戒。先後到過宜蘭吉祥寺、新竹圓明寺、香港大嶼山等地閉關。西元1971年代末期從香港返回台灣,繼續他的清修生涯。逐漸地,老和尚的名聲一天天的傳播開來,到今日親炙學人逾數十萬人。

南投一向就以山光水色聞名,尤其埔里位處台灣地理中心,更是許多景點的中繼樞紐,而中台禪寺 的主體建築含藏佛法五化內涵,集生活、教育、學術、藝術、科學於一身,寺內建築、佛像、壁畫、彩繪、雕刻、書法……,蘊含豐富藝術內涵,呈現出至真、至善、至美、至聖的佛法精神,無一不藝術,無一不莊嚴,走一趟中台巡禮,可比一趟洗滌心靈之旅,讓你輕鬆休閒之餘,又能獲得內心祥和平靜。


Taishan is located in the center of the town of Puli , surrounded by mountains such as petals surround ; Abbot Wei chueh contact with Buddhism when young , 30 -year-old ordained , virtue profound, attract disciple came to ask for advice and support lay meditation , so fame along with orgasm . Temple main building scheduled completion in the year 2000 , designed by the architect CY Lee teacher ; the temple of Buddhist History Museum has a rich collection of Buddhism , including stone carvings dating back 1,500 years ago, Zhou Sakyamuni Tathagata , in addition, four transplant from trees is the temple of special landscape , which were originally due to open building a house , with a cut on behalf of destiny, fate to be continued when the Taiwan Zen life , so every single tree behind each segment Buddhism elephants.

The monastery is located in Puli , Nantou County , new construction from AD 1990 to start planning , which lasted ten years , AD 2001 declared completed , is a combination of Chinese and Western architectural elements , designed by renowned architect CY Lee designed . As many Buddhists religious center , admiring tourists and the faithful flock.

The main building of the monastery mainly of stone , a symbol of practice rugged and timeless. Look from the side of the main building , as if in meditation is one of the entrants in Aoyama , poised facade is like a jet , a symbol of Zen " epiphany from the heart , straight Buddha " supreme Heart, design and with the times and create new ideas and lingering zen ancient Italy .

The abbot of the monastery of the mountains on the subject under chueh is Sichuan Yingshan man , thirty years old shaved Phi monk, ordained . Ilan has been to Kichijoji , Hsinchu Yuanming Temple, Lantau Island, Hong Kong and other places to retreat . AD 1971 late returned to Taiwan from Hong Kong to continue his career Kiyonaga . Gradually, the old monk 's fame spread day by day , to the school today Qinzhi over hundreds of thousands of people .

Take the famous sights along Nantou , Taiwan, in particular, is located at the geographic center of Puli , it is a relay hub for many attractions , while the temple 's main building Hancang Dharma five connotation , set life, education , academic , artistic, Science in a , the temple buildings , statues , murals , painting , sculpture , calligraphy ...... , rich in artistic content , showing the true, perfection, to the United States, the most holy Buddhist spirit , and both arts , and both solemn, take a trip in Taiwan pilgrimage , spiritual journey than a trip to the washing , I let you easily leisure , but also to obtain inner peace and harmony .


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